Friday, April 9, 2010

One week and all is well

It's hard to believe that last week at this time I was at the hospital with a headache and getting ready to have the CCSVI procedure.

It has been an incredible week, realizing that I can do things again that have been a out of my reach for so many years. The thought of walking around the block, or doing something when I was done work for the day, were just not in the cards for me. My regular routine for so long would be to come home from work and take a nap for a couple of hours and then get up and make dinner. My husband would clean up the dishes and I would be on the sofa.

Now that is not to say that I didn't have good days when I seemed to be quite normal. We all push ourselves and just "keep on truckin". Only to pay for is at some time down the road.

That is behind me, "I hope" since I have had a wonderful week of walking and a reduction in the number of headache medications that I have to take. I am down to maybe once a day, and that is not for my headache, but the discomfort that I have from the still recovering Rotator Cuff repair from the beginning of February.

On a different note, I have been receiving questions and inquiries from all over North America about where and how they can get Liberated. My first response is that you should be looking as local is you can, for an INTERVENTIONAL RADIOLOGIST. They are all over that world and are there to help people. They do not deal with Pharmaceuticals and they do not do INVASIVE procedures. There are several letters and reports out on the internet, cautioning MS sufferers to "avoid invasive procedures" and to "wait for the dust to settle before you go under the Knife." Well just so it is perfectly clear, there is NO KNIFE/SCALPUL involved and it is not an invasive procedure. I came home with a bandaid on.


  1. Janet, to think that one week has gone by and every day has given you more freedoms....makes me SO happy for you, for Mike and for your family! I hope that as each day comes, you will continue to enjoy yourself more and more!! Amazing, eh? Sending you hugs and happy thoughts! Lots of love, Shirley

  2. Janet, I am seeing Dr. Bonn today. God bless and say a prayer as I will for you.
